It's no secret that Vancouver Island is home to many species of common rodents. With the Winter cold fast approaching, these pests will seek out shelter from the elements. And one of their favourite places to nest up in, or go for a snack is our vehicles.
The warmth and shelter of an engine compartment or poorly sealed vehicle is like heaven to a mouse or rat. Especially a vehicle that sits for long periods, as the disturbances are minimum to its residents. Combined with this safe space, they also feed off the various materials inside the vehicle and engine compartment. Modern wiring uses soy based casings, which make for a tasty snack, and a not so desirable outcome for you. Other materials like foam covers and plastics seem to be another option for them to nibble on. Regardless of their favourite menu item, there are ways we can limit these invasive pests from making our vehicles their new Winter vacation spot.
As you can see in the image above, something has chewed through the wire casing and actually exposed bare copper on the coil wires for this engine. Not good! Notice their droppings too as evidence they are frequenting that space.
Mixed shells from nuts/ food sources can also lead to a messy engine bay, and with enough buildup can also make your engine run hotter if insulated enough on certain components.
Textiles and certain foams are a favourite snack for them, and modern vehicles are filled with these materials inside and out.
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